Motion Library / PLCopen
Functions sorted in alphabetical order:
Name | Description |
MC_AbortTrigger | Abort MC_TouchProbe |
MC_AddSuperAxis | Add an axis to the axis's list of assigned, superimposed axes. |
MC_CamIn | Performs a slave axis move based on the Cam Table |
MC_CamOut | Disengages the slave axis from a MC_CamIn move |
MC_CamResumePos | Returns the slave axis position for resuming an MC_CamIn move |
MC_CamStartPos | Returns the slave axis position for starting an MC_CamIn move |
MC_CamTblSelect | Defined to read and initialize the specified profile |
MC_ClearFaults | Clear Drive Faults |
MC_CreatePLCAxis | Creates a PLCopenA vendor -and product- independent worldwide association active in Industrial Control and aiming at standardizing PLC file formats based on XML Axis |
MC_EStop | Performs a Emergency stop |
MC_ErrorDescription | Converts the PLCopen error IDs into message strings. |
MC_GearIn | Performs a slave axis move based on the ratio |
MC_GearInPos | Performs a slave axis move based on the ratio |
MC_GearOut | Disengages the slave axis from a MC_GearIn or MC_GearInPos move |
MC_Halt | Decelerates an axis to zero velocity |
MC_InitAxis | Initializes a PLCopen Servo Axis' data |
MC_InitAxisFeedback | Initializes a PLCopen Digitizing Axis' position data |
MC_MachRegist | Runs Mark-to-Machine registration |
MC_MarkRegist | Runs Mark-to-Mark registration |
MC_MoveAbsolute | Performs a single-axis move to a specified endpoint position |
MC_MoveAdditive | Performs a single-axis move for a specified distance from the endpoint of the previous move |
MC_MoveRelative | Performs a single-axis move for a specified distance |
MC_MoveSuperimp | Performs a single-axis move which is superimposed upon the active move |
MC_MoveVelocity | Performs a single-axis non-ending move at a specified velocity |
MC_Phasing | Performs a master position phase shift for the slave axis |
MC_Power | Requests to enable the drive and close the loop, or disable the drive and open the loop |
MC_ReadActPos | Reads the actual position of the axis |
MC_ReadActVel | Reads the actual velocity of the axis |
MC_ReadAxisErr | Returns the error status of the specified axis |
MC_ReadBoolPar | Returns the value of the specified Boolean axis parameter |
MC_ReadParam | Returns the value of the specified axis parameter |
MC_ReadStatus | Returns the state of the specified axis |
MC_Reference | Defines the position at the reference location for PLCopen Axis |
MC_RemSuperAxis | Remove an axis from the axis's list of assigned, superimposed axes. |
MC_ResetError | Resets the errors of the specified axis |
MC_SetOverride | Writes velocity and acceleration override factors |
MC_SetPosition | Deprecated by MC_SetPos |
MC_SetPos | Sets a new axis position |
MC_Stop | Aborts the active move, removes the next move from the queue, performs a controlled stop, and switches the axis to Stopping state |
MC_StopRegist | Turns off registration for the specified axis |
MC_SyncSlaves | Specifies synchronized slaves |
MC_TouchProbe | Arm a Fast InputThe inputs are taken into account at each cycle depending on the system periodicity (for example each millisecond). Under certain circumstances this can be insufficient when more accuracy is needed, or if a quick response is required from the system. To fill the gap, a drive may have some Fast Input connections (generally one or two). When an event happens that triggers a Fast Input (e.g. when a sensor sends a rising edge), the detection of a signal occurs faster (which can be 1000 times more accurate than the system periodicity). Then the timestamp associated with this input can be provided to the IPC to take corrective action and capture an axis position |
MC_WriteBoolPar | Writes the specified axis Boolean parameter |
MC_WriteParam | Writes the specified axis parameter |